Meet Your Pilot

Mark with Helicopter


Pilot and Owner

He is certificated by the FAA as a Commercial Pilot, and a Certified Flight Instructor in both airplanes and helicopters. He is also an instrument-rated in both. Mark’s greatest concern is the safety of his passengers, his aircraft, and himself.

Get Started on Your Journey Today!

What To Expect

From the time you arrive at our Sarasota airport facility, expect nothing less than first-rate personalized service. Mark will meet you in the ATP lobby and escort you to your waiting helicopter. When you step outside, you’ll get your first glimpse of either our beautiful blue or orange Robinson R44 Raven II. They both have air-conditioning, fuel injection, and hydraulic controls for a smooth ride.

You’ll have your choice of either executive comfort with the doors on or the all-out thrill ride with the doors off. Next, you’ll be given a thorough briefing that covers the important safety aspects of helicopter travel. Then get in, buckle up, put on your headphones, and get ready for the thrill of a lifetime. You’ll be traveling in a way few have ever experienced. Whether you are a native or visiting, you’ll get a chance to see the Suncoast area like never before. Trust us, you’ll be blown away by the experience! You’ll wish it could go on forever. All too soon you’ll return to home base and the trip will be over. However, the memories will last a lifetime. You’ll never forget the great experience you and your friends or family had flying with Mark at Sarasota Helicopter Tours!

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